Friday, 21 May 2010

Shaykh Nabulsi confirmed

Shaykh Dr Muhammad Ratib An-Nabulsi confirms to speak at 3IMUC

We are very honoured to announce that the eminent and world renowned scholar Shaykh Dr Muhammad Ratib An-Nabulsi from Damascus Syria has kindly agreed to participate as a guest speaker at the 3IMUC.

Muhammad Umar, Chairman of the Executive Committee comments, “Shaykh An-Nabulsi is a person who needs no introduction, he is well respected throughout the world by both Muslims and non-Muslims, he is a person of great tolerance and understanding and having him at our convention will be a great boost to the agenda of working for Muslim Unity”.


Shaykh Qadri at 3IMUC

Shaykh Dr Muhammad Tahir al Qadri at 3IMUC

Ramadhan Foundation is please to announce that the world's renowned and learned scholar HE Shaykh Dr Tahir al Qadri from Pakistan as confirmed his participation to speak at the 3IMUC in October 2010.

Muhammad Umar, Chairman of the Executive Committee comments, “Shaykh Qadri is a remarkable human being, someone who has dedicated his entire life for the service of Islam and Muslims, he has a long history of working for Muslim Unity and having him at the 3IMUC will be something very special”.


President Uteem at 3IMUC

HE President Cassam Uteem – Former President of Mauritius

We are very please to announce that HE President Cassam Uteem – Former President of Mauritius is confirmed to give a keynote address at the 3IMUC.

Muhammad Umar, Chairman of the Executive Committee commented “I am very happy that President Uteem as agreed to come to our convention, he is a remarkable person and someone who would be instrumental in working for Muslim Unity, we look forward to welcoming him to the convention in October”.